Saturday, March 12, 2011

March is Reading Month, Tip #12: Let's Go to a Museum!

Go to a Museum!

Museums are a great way to support a reading and writing life. First, it's great to find things that interest you in the world, perhaps sparking further reading. (Many of our museum trips are followed by a library trip.) Kids love reading the plaques around art and exhibits and it's exciting to read outside of a book. Museum exhibits are a great way to actively practice comprehension strategies: you look at the parts of an exhibit, you read about them, you talk about it together, and you figure out how it all works or what it means. And children's museums are so great because you can touch and manipulate- and really experience- the materials.

So today- or another day- lose yourself in a museum and see where it takes you.

Reminder: Today I will be presenting an activity time to preschoolers at 11:30 and 12:15 at the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum. Colby is coming, too. I will be reading Woof! Woof! and talking about how everything is made of shapes. We will read, sing, dance, and use foam shape stickers to make something part-by-part. It should be fun- so please stop by!

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