Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Best Running Record. Ever.

I was cleaning out my work computer and found two photos documenting a running record from this year.

It is the best miscue I've ever heard.

Look at the text (first picture) and then look at the notes (second picture).

The best part- the kid didn't even flinch- which is great strategy work. You only stop if it doesn't make sense. And what a nice self-correct!

Carry on, my dear reader. Carry on.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wisdom on a Post-it Note

Sometimes I find pretty cool stuff like this post-it when I am cleaning my kitchen cabinets:

Now if I could only remember who said it!

Well, it's always a good reminder. 

Even in the kitchen. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

It was 53.

I forgot that I read this:

I got it for some girls I love for Hanukkah, but wanted to read it first. So I did- because I am the kind of person who will read a book before giving it as a gift. (That's so terrible!). But I didn't finish until after Hanukkah. And it's still sitting on my nightstand.

So that's 53.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

52 Books a Year and a Confession about Encyclopedia Brown

Last year, on January 1st, 2013, I decided to make a yearly goal of reading 52 books a year. I did a little research, and realized that I had already read 52 books in a year, in 2012. More, actually...I could account for 52 books from my notes and by perusing the bookshelf, but I knew I had forgotten some.

I went ahead with the 52-book commitment in 2013. It was going very well until December. I got to 49 books at Thanksgiving- and just stalled. I stalled for much of the fall: choosing to read magazines and just fall asleep, and it took me a long time to read Diane Ravitch's book and Far From the Tree. But I made it 52! And I am sure I have forgotten a few again this year, too.

I was worried that my list was all "kid" books and not many "grown-up" books, but looking over it, I had 25 grown-up books (7 novels,  7 general nonfiction, 11 professional books) and 27 "kid" books/ novels. For 2014, I think I want to read more "grown-up stuff" for me, so I'll see how that goes. I'll post my list of 2013 reads later. Considering Donalyn Miller's Summertime Book-a-Day Challenge, this seems like a very reachable goal. That being said, I do not count picture books or anything lower than about a "Level O."

Full disclosure does require me to make public that I was at 51 books at 11:30 pm on December 31, 2013, so I read Encyclopedia Brown #4 to make it to 52. I was an effective detective to the last chapter, at which point I was very sleepy and perhaps angry about successfully solving cases and not being awarded 25¢ a day, plus expenses. It's not the most important book I read in 2014, but considering the "Incident at Lester School" in Downer's Grove, Illinois*, it still counts. 52 books in 2013.

Encyclopedia Brown selfie

* In 1976, at Lester School, in Downer's Grove, IL, a student that I will refer to as "my sister, Brenda" in this anecdote (since that is her name), once won the reading contest in class by plowing through easy phonics readers that were well below her reading level, with titles like "I See Sam", and turning in reports and counting them as "real books."Normally, I would be appalled and consider this to be treachery, but considering that Brenda's book reports really required such an intense commitment to inference, character motivation, and general embellishment, and typically used significantly more words than present in the initial text, I fully respect the project as an exercise in creative writing and a reminder to teachers that more isn't always better. Sometimes reflecting on the reading life of a second grader of almost 40 years ago inspires a 40 year-old woman to meet her 52-books-a-year-goal by ringing in the New Year plowing through an Enyclopedia Brown book. By the way, it was Bugs Meany.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Month of Thanks: Still Thankful #2- #20

I meant to post more thankful things. I spent the month being very thankful. Here's more:

#2 My Family: I am thankful for my husband, kids, dog, parents, extra parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews, and everyone in between. I am thankful for the friends who seem like family, too.

#3 My Friends: Friends and neighbors have helped us grow a lovely life in Ann Arbor. All we need now are some local grandparents!

#4 Running: Starting the day with a run is so lovely. I am glad that my body is able to do this.

#5 My School: I love my job. The students, the colleagues, the building administration. What a blessing it is to spend time with readers.

#6 Musical Theater: If listening to XM Broadway is wrong...then I don't want to be right.

#7 Christmas Music: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away.

#8 Minivans: We drive the van not just for the luxury, but also for the performance. It's like that thing is on rails.

#9 Town Living: Even with all our juggling and busy schedules, we can get everywhere pretty quickly within town. The close proximity enables us to be more involved in our community.

#10 Tap Dancing: My tapping is limited to the kitchen once or twice a month- but it still makes my day.

#11 Books.

#12 People who do more for my kids than I can: coaches, teachers, friends, neighbors, grandparents... Thank you.

#13 My children's teachers: The stars are aligned in Ann Arbor- what a delightful year for our 4th grader and Kindergartner!

#14 Lucy Calkins: As I just penned a letter to Lansing about some ridiculous proposed legislation, I reflected about my advocacy for best practice instruction for students. My work with Lucy at Columbia really provided an amazing entry point into the profession of teaching. Her demanding standards shaped and informed my pedagogy.

#15 Blue Skies

#16 Hot Coffee

#17 Soup

#18 The Ann Arbor District Library

#19 Hiking, biking, skating, and blading with my kids

#20 The realization that this list could go on and on...

So thankful for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.